Data Management Degree Overview
Information Technology Study Areas
Data Management Career Outlook
Technology Management jobs are expected to increase faster than many other occupations during the next decade, especially as advancements in technology continue and applications become increasingly more complex.
Specific Technology Management jobs include: Information technology managers, information systems managers, business administrators, top executives, computer programmers, software engineers, and computer systems analysts.
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The most basic fundamental principle of technology management is the investigation and comprehension of how information technology will help any given business, large or small, expand and prosper. Technology management is a crucial component to companies looking to expand, because the information that is arranged and organized by information technology management can provide useful data for future company decisions.
There are several different degree paths you can take in Technology Management with varied salary forecasts:
Information Technology Management
This degree saturation covers the overall scope and management of all technology. Information technology management assists a business in organizing and ensuring that any and all information pertaining to a certain department or component of a company is accurate and readily available at all times.
Median annual wages for Information Technology Managers, based on recent data is between $43,450 and $122,834, depending on experience, education and geographic location.
Top companies employing Information Technology Managers, along with median salary ranges are as follows: | |
Hewlett-Packard Company | $100,737 |
Accenture | $96,850 |
U.S. Air Force (USAF) | $69,409 |
J.P. Morgan Chase | $77,575 |
Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) | $86,479 |
Deloitte Consulting LLP | $118,515 |
For more information on Information Technology Management jobs and salary expectations, visit
Business Systems Analyst
Theres strong potential with the salary of business systems analyst jobs, and they offer one of the best starting salaries today. Normally used by financial institutions such as banks, business systems analysts sort through vast amounts of information that help companies make the best use of the information in their data warehouses.
Median annual wages for business systems analysts, based on recent data, is $50,538. The middle 50 percent earned between $45,252 and $57,284 a year. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $40,439, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $63,426. Salaries vary based on geographic location and experience.
Top companies employing Business Systems Analysts, along with median salary ranges are as follows: | |
Hewlett-Packard Company | $52,990 |
Accenture | $56,426 |
Dell | $69,409 |
J.P. Morgan Chase | $67,945 |
Caci International | $63,674 |
For more information on Business Systems Analyst jobs and salary expectations, visit You can also view more detailed salary information related to geographic location and industry at
Security and Forensics
A computer forensic and security expert investigates computer-based crimes. They are required to analyze data used in investigations, recover encrypted or deleted files and email, and track the users websites promoting illegal activities. Most recently, a computer forensics expert testified in the Casey Anthony trial related to the searches that were done and deleted on the Anthony family computer.
Forensic computer analysts frequently contribute to white-collar criminal investigations and investigate causes of computer meltdowns, computer system misuse, or crime details contained within computer systems. Given the computer forensic salary potential, more people are beginning to investigate this growing career.
Average Pay
Figures released by the wage comparison website in July 2011 show the average annual salary for a computer forensic analyst to be between $37,703 and $101,652, depending on any bonuses he may receive. He may also have his salary augmented by additional benefits such as pension contributions and health-care insurance coverage.
Pay by Employer
The annual salary of a computer forensic analyst will also vary according to the nature of his employer. Federal government agencies paid the highest rates, $42,898 to $95,085, as of July 2011. In contrast, individuals employed by financial services received between $40,630 and $92,694, while those who worked for private firms had an average of $39,580 and $93,283.
For more information on Security and Forensic jobs and salary expectations, visit
Information Systems Management
In consultation with other managers, Information Systems Managers help determine the goals of an organization and then implement technology to meet those goals. They oversee all technical aspects of an organization, such as software development, network security, and Internet operations.
Wages of Information Systems Managers vary by specialty and level of responsibility. Median annual wages of these managers in May 2010 were $123,280. The middle 50 percent earned between $90,850 and $146,080.
Median annual wages in the industries employing the largest numbers of Information Systems Managers in May 2010 were as follows: | |
Computer Systems Design and Related Services | $133,450 |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | $125,860 |
Insurance Carriers | $119,220 |
Universities, and Professional Schools | $100,710 |
Software Publishers | $139,090 |
For more details and geographic statistics you can view the Occupational and Employment Wages related to Information Systems Managers by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics.
8 Levels of IT Security Infographic
Data Management Required Job Skills and Knowledge
Most Technology Management jobs require at least an associate degree. Employers look for candidates with great communication and interpersonal skills, as well as strong technical skills. Technology managers should be prepared to utilize the company’s existing technology as well as design and implement new technology to increase productivity.
Colleges For Data Management Degrees

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