Liberal Arts Degree Overview
Listed below are colleges and universities that offer online degrees, certificates, and diplomas in the major of General Studies and a detailed list of the programs offered. Tuition, financial aid, course offerings, online classes, adult education, and distance learning options are available by request.
General Studies Study Areas
Outlook for General Studies Careers
The Swiss Army Knife of Degrees
Lets say a student obtains a degree in biology. But, because it is a liberal arts degree, it will have included studies that prepare the professional for jobs within the field of science, plus related positions. Extra humanities courses taken may provide an inside track to write for a scientific journal, or language classes might aid in obtaining a job overseas. This versatility seems like a good thing.
Liberal Arts majors have this advantage of a broad background of learning and experience. It can aid in finding employment or transitioning from a current job to a new position as fields change. While others may be out of work because their training was so specific, a more general degree may be more transferable.
Following is a sampling of the potential directions, with a glimpse at how the areas are expected to grow.
Featured Online Liberal Arts Colleges

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Salaries in General Studies
Patience for Riches
You probably wont get that mansion in the first five years of your career. Starting salaries tend to be lower than for those in some other fields of study. The good news: you can catch up. Over the course of most careers, this difference diminishes. Plus, salary trends have shown a rise for Liberal Arts majors over the past 30 years. The rate has even outshone the growth for other specialty industries, such as engineering.
Whats the secret to closing this salary gap? A well-rounded skill set that allows for flexibility in job duties. Advancement or job transition opportunities will be more likely. Keep all those doors and windows open, and eventually money comes through them.
How much? Check out the chart below for an idea of how experience adds to the pocketbook.
Education Requirements for Careers in Liberal Arts
Grab the Diploma and Go!
Because this is a general area of employment, a bachelors degree in Liberal Arts is the standard. That is the idea behind general studies. Graduate school, technical training, and vocational school are not required steps on this path. The four-year degree covering a broad spectrum of subjects is the bread and butter of this career.
Of course, some form of direction is needed. You do have to find a job eventually. Potential areas within liberal arts include: economis, government, history, foreign language, literature,sociology, humanities, philosiphy, religion, and cultural studies.
Each of these careers can begin with a bachelors degree. Graduate studies are of course an option, but not necessary to break into the field or begin a career path. Because employers are typically seeking workers with the desired skills rather than a specific degree, additional experience is key. Suggested training, studies, and continuing education possibilities can be seen in the chart provided.
Colleges For Liberal Arts Degrees

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