Online Medical Coding & Billing Degree

Medical Coding & Billing Degree Overview

Listed below are colleges and universities that offer online degrees, certificates, and diplomas in the major of Medical Coding & Billing and a detailed list of the programs offered. Tuition, financial aid, course offerings, online classes, adult education, and distance learning options are available by request.

online classes in medical billing

Career Outlook for Medical Billing and Coding

Enter a Flourishing Job Market

The Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a whopping 20 percent employment growth through 2018, which is much faster than the average for all occupations. Skilled medical coders are in high demand; the ever-changing government regulations and strict insurance policies make accurate medical record keeping extremely important. We live in an increasingly sophisticated healthcare world, with a ton of medical tests, procedures and treatments; it’s not surprising the demand for skilled medical billing and coding specialists keeps increasing.

Salary Forecast for Medical Billing and Coding

According to the BLS, in 2010 the average salary for medical coders was $35,010, with an average hourly wage of $16.83. The highest paid 10 percent earned over $53,430 with an hourly wage of $25.69 and the lowest paid 10 percent earned $21, 240 with an hourly wage of $10.21.The type of company you work for and the location affects the size of your paycheck. In descending order here’s a list of the top paying states for the occupation:

  • 1. New Jersey: $47,050
  • 2. District of Columbia: $43,140
  • 3. Hawaii: $42,430
  • 4. Maryland: $40,930
  • 5. Massachusetts: $40,230

The top paying metropolitan areas for the occupation:

Education and Skill Requirements

Easy to Meet Education Requirements

Medical billing and coding programs are available at bricks and mortar schools and conveniently online. Many employers seek medical coders with an associate degree in health information technology, which only take two years to complete. Getting a diploma is a shorter path to the occupation; you go to technical or an allied health school full-time for nine months to a year. However, think about getting a two-year degree, it increases your chances of landing a job. If you’re going the short route, find out which certifying organizations accept people with a diploma.

Most employers hire credentialed medical coders. Make sure the education program you take emphasizes passing the credentialing exam. With some credentialing organizations, you’ll need to gain a specific amount of work experience before you can take the exam.

The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) provides the Registered Health Information Technicians (RHIT) credential. You’ll need a two-year associate degree accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education and pass a written examination. Other major organizations offering coding credentials include the BMSC, AAPC, and PAHCS.

Colleges For Medical Coding & Billing Degrees

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